Rag Doll I have this little rag doll.
Its face is printed with a smile. Never allowing it to show pain. It keeps it self together with thread made of silver. It too has passed through the hands of many people that have loved him. With each new pair of hands, comes a new tare. This doll may not be as pretty as the rest. The thread is old and he’s falling apart at the seems. It’s not his happy face that makes me want him or the silver thread that keeps him together. I love this rag doll for what it used to be ......me...... By Eric Carranza |
Hot Summer Day Hot summer day.
Sitting by myself. The shade of the willow tree cools me from the heat. Silent laughter all around. A gentle breeze caresses my skin A single sparrow sits atop a tree and sings a lullaby for me. I let the earth become my bed. I lay my head down to sleep. I’ll dream of boys waiting for me. They’ll tell me how beautiful I am. They will hold me, while I lay here under this willow tree. Sleeping away this hot summer day. By, Eric Carranza |